WOLF GmbH always strives to make use of its technology as convenient and easy as possible. Therefore, in order to maximize users, WOLF offers the new ISM7i and ISM7e Interface Modules for remote control and monitoring of installed equipment.
With the ISM7 interface module, you can virtualize current states, measured values and parameters of WRS management systems, and perform different settings. The ISM7 module is available in two versions. The ISM7i version is designed for installation in the heat source. The ISM7e is designed to be installed outside the heat source and is fitted with a housing suitable for wall mounting. The ISM7 Interface Module can be connected to an existing network using a network cable (LAN) or Wi-Fi (WLAN) via Wi-Fi.
For a reliable internet connection, the ISM7 interface module is connected to an existing DSL router that has a secure connection to the Wolf server. To manage over the Internet, the Wolf user interface is directly used in the internet browser or smartphone smartphone application, which can be downloaded free of charge from the relevant mobile app store. If access to WRS management systems only takes place locally in the home network, no Internet connection is required.
Manage your heating system with ease using a smartphone, tablet, or computer. With the WOLF Smartset app and the ISM7i or ISM7e interface, you can now access your building services at any time. What is the benefit for the user?
- Лесната и интуитивна работа Ви позволява да управлявате изградените системи на WOLF с лекота и комфорт;
- Изберете Вашия личен режим на работа и създайте програми за време, например за отопление и топла вода;
- Съобщенията за грешки и историята на грешките се показват директно на вашия смартфон или Ви се изпращат по имейл, което улеснява сервизния специалист бързо и дистанционно да диагностицира проблемите;
- Получавате цялостна картина: приложението WOLF Smartset показва всички работни параметри и условия на работа.
- The Interface Module ISM7i is intended for installation in one of the following heat sources:
- TOB Liquid Concentrate Boiler; </ li>
- Gas condensing boiler MGK-2; </ li>
- Gas condensing boiler CGB-2, CGW-2, CGS-2; </ li>
- BWL-1S air-to-water heat pump. </ li>
The Interface Module ISM7e can be used with the following WRS control system components:
- Control Module BM, BM-2; </ li>
- COB, TOB Liquid Fuel Convection Liquid; </ li>
- Gas condensing boiler MGK, MGK-2; </ li>
- Gas condensing boiler CGB, CGB-2, CGW-2, CGS-2, FGB; </ li>
- Gas boilers CGG-2, CGU-2; </ li>
- Boiler control system R1, R2, R3, R21; </ li>
- BWL-1S BWL-1S 2-Mode Air Pump Heat Pump </ li>
- Monobloc heat pump BWW-1, BWL-1, BWS-1; </ li>
- Mixing module MM; </ li>
- KM cascade management module (maximum one per system) </ li>
- Solar system management module SM1, SM2 (maximum one for each system) </ li>
- CWL Excellent living space ventilation system (maximum one for each system). </ li>
Wolf’s new interface modules, integrated into heat sources, offer a new development in remote control, control and monitoring of environmental technologies used in the domestic, public and industrial sectors.
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