May 21 2019 0Comment

Academy Ekoterm Proekt – Your Guarantor for Professional and Competent Training

The leader in the field of heating and air conditioning, Ekoterm Proekt, continues putting on the first place the quality, innovation and precision of the offered products, systems and solutions.

In order to ensure professional installation, start-up, setup and professional maintenance of its products, in 2009 the company started specialized and professional trainings of service specialists and installers, launching Academy Ekoterm Proekt.

The Academy offers professional training courses for its clients in 6 modules:

М 1. Basic technical and service training of installers and service specialists.

М 2. Advanced training. New products and solutions offered by the company.

М 3. Hydraulic balancing of heating systems.

M 4. Products, systems and solutions for gas equipment, biomass boilers with medium and large heat output, heat pumps, new assortment of heating and air-conditioning systems, etc.

M 5. Hydraulic balancing of heating systems.

M 6. Commercial and Economic Training of Business Managers.


The training programs are specifically intended for installers of heating systems, engineers and designers. Trainees who have passed the professional course take an examination, after which they receive a certificate and the right to install and service the company’s facilities.

The training team is made up of the company’s top specialists. Among the themes of the courses are heating facilities utilizing wood biomass, technical solutions for installation, commissioning, adjustment, servicing and maintenance of equipment, hydraulic balancing of heating systems, etc. Great interest for the installers is the new ambitious project of Ekoterm Proekt-integrated hybrid systems consisting of an air-to-water inverter heat pump + heating boiler of wood pellets or natural gas.

Hybrid heat pump and pellet boiler systems are the pioneer in the heat and climate technology market. Ekoterm Proekt offers practical and in-depth trainings of this new, economical, ecological and interesting technology. The standard system, which operates two heating/cooling sources, is in fact a hybrid system. In this system pellet boilers and fireplaces, natural gas boilers, solar collectors, etc. can be used for heating.
These hybrid systems require higher investment costs than conventional systems, but the return on investment is within 3-5 years or even less, given the potential annual savings of 30-50%.
Savings are achieved thanks to artificial intelligence, i.e. automatic electronic control that senses outdoor temperatures and automatically switches (depending on climate and heating needs) between heat pump and boiler. For example, when outdoor temperatures are above 0°C, the use of electricity to operate a heat pump is more cost-effective. When temperatures fall below 0°C, automatic switching of pellet heating (or gas) saves a large amount of electricity costs.

By using a boiler in hybrid systems, it is possible to achieve high heating water temperatures even when the outside air temperatures drop to very low values. And thanks to the heat pump, the noise while cooling the premises is kept to a minimum. All this, combined with quick installation and low operating costs, and low carbon emissions (so important today and in the future) make hybrid systems one of the most cost-effective and practical solutions for heating and cooling.

Conventional-hybrid systems
Bioenergy-hybrid systems

Hybrid systems are used in both single-family and multi-family houses and apartments, as well as in hotels, offices, restaurants, spa centres, warehouses, shops, workshops and more. It is important to note that hybrid systems have the advantage of being extremely versatile and allow a uniform distribution of heating and cooling in the case of limited space.

Ekoterm Proekt will continue to offer its customers the most innovative and efficient heating and cooling solutions. According to the company, success lies both in the quality of the offered products and in the potential and development of a professional team. The company believes that as much as the product itself, it is also important to offer quality service in order to meet the customers’ needs in the best way. That’s why it has been investing in the Academy Ekoterm Proekt for years and has so far trained over 2500 installers and service specialists of heating systems, engineers, designers and etc.

More information about the innovative products of Ekoterm Proekt and application form for participation in the Academy can be found on the website of the company or at the distributors of the company all over the country.
