Energy Co., Ltd. The company is a member of the Chinese Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Association and the Energy Conservation Association and in close cooperation with EMERSON and GRUNDFOS. The production is produced according to the implemented quality management system EN ISO 9001.
The offered DC monoblock inverter air-to-water heat pumps GT (GUANGTENG) can be used for heating and cooling, and heating of water for domestic needs. The heat pumps meet the requirements of the Erp directive, are certified by TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH and are CE marked with the appropriate energy labels. The product range includes appliances with heating power of 6.0, 10.2, 13.0, 15.2 and 18.3 kW (for A7 / W35).

Economical operation – Energy saving technology – lower heating costs compared to those of natural gas, LPG and pellets.

Intelligent defrosting – Intelligent anti-freeze function – the defrost cycle time changes depending on the temperature and reduces unnecessary defrosting, which makes the appliance more energy efficient.

Safety – Operation at high efficiency, without flames, fumes and smoke. Water and electrical connections are reliably insulated.

Constant hot water supply – Provides hot water, regardless of the season, climate, weather and time of day, unlike solar panels, which must be aimed at the sun.

Easy operation – Intelligent control system that allows convenient and easy operation.

Environmentally friendly – Minimum emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere.
Heat pumps use EVI technology and work efficiently at low, outdoor air temperatures, down to -25 ° C. At the same time, they can easily and quickly reach the maximum leaving water temperature, up to 60 ° C.
DC monoblock inverter heat pumps air-to-water GT operate economically. Consumers can be confident in their energy savings when making an investment to purchase appliances.
Compared to a gas, electric or other fuel boiler, a heat pump can produce up to four times more energy than it uses during operation. This heat can be used in central or floor heating and domestic hot water. The heat pump system reduces CO2 emissions compared to oil, gas or LPG boilers, which is a major contribution to the fight against climate change.
Heat pumps have an intelligent control system. Using the WI-FI function of the device control, via an Internet application, you can turn on / off the heat pump, set the water temperature, select the operating mode and set time intervals for the operation of the device, from your smart phone, tablet and computer.
You can set and monitor the temperature in your home through an application from your mobile phone and the temperature control is at your fingertips.
The offered GT heat pumps can be adapted to existing installations. They are quiet, compact and light – they take up minimal space and allow different installation options. The devices have high reliability and low operating costs. With the use of this appliance you will enjoy guaranteed comfort in your home all year round.


The controller is factory installed inside the device, behind the front panel. The heat pump can be easily adjusted, and the operation of the appliance will not be difficult for the user, regardless of the level of his technical knowledge.
The GT series monoblock air-to-water heat pumps are environmentally friendly solutions for your home with excellent, seasonal efficiency (class A ++). And most importantly, GUANGTENG heat pumps are the most cost-effective solution for a household’s needs for heating, cooling and domestic hot water.
Exclusive representative for Bulgaria: Ecoterm Project EAD
Ecoterm Project continues to offer attractive solutions in the HVAC sector and to offer products that meet the highest requirements of consumers. More information about Ecoterm Project and the range of products offered can be obtained in the distribution network throughout the country, on www.eratobg.com or on the company’s Facebook and Instagram pages.
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