We are global.

Structure strives to grow our organization through investigating advancing technology,
industry changes and the varying needs of our clientele as our industry evolves.
Safety is the most important of our core
values. It is our first priority.
Structure’s commitment to green building and sustainability is long-standing.

We have operated with an unwavering commitment honesty and integrity.


Why Choose Us?

Structure personnel participate in ethics training as part of our best practices program, and each employee is provided with a skill set that helps them make the best decisions.

  • We Are Creative
  • Honest And Dependable
  • Quality Commitment
  • We Are Always Improving

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  • GreenEcoTherm PELLETHERM V.11 LT
  • GreenEcoTherm PELLETHERM V.4 Long Time
  • GreenEcoTherm PELLETHERM V.4 Long Time M03
  • GreenEcoTherm PELLETHERM V.2 M01
  • GreenEcoTherm PELLETHERM V2 M03
  • GreenEcoTherm GP XX R TSC M03

Leading the way in building and civil construction


Историята е полезна не защото четем в нея миналото, а защото четем в нея бъдещето.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Animi architecto, consequuntur eligendi esse explicabo laboriosam nisi nobis omnis praesentium quas.

Екотерм Проект ЕАД произвежда и успешно продава отоплителни съоръжения и тела под собствени търговските марки GreenEcoTherm и Bisolid в България, Европейския Съюз и в трети страни.

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