Magazine "Heat Technology for Everyday Life" 2002

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Magazine "Heat Technology for Everyday Life" 2002 BR 1
Magazine "Heat Technology for Everyday Life" 2002 BR 2
Magazine "Heat Technology for Everyday Life" 2002 BR 3
Magazine "Heat Technology for Everyday Life" 2002 BR 5

Magazine “Heat Technology for Everyday Life” comes out 6 times a year and prints 2000 copies. Free of charge for up to 1000 permanent subscribers included in the magazine database, as well as readers who receive the magazine through the ERATO distribution network, are distributed free of charge.

The number of subscribers includes:
• Companies operating in the field of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and water supply;
• Construction organizations;
• Members of OBICCO;
• The Society of Bulgarian Engineers in Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration;
• All higher education institutions in the country;
• 57 technical schools in the country;
• Companies offering tools, equipment, equipment;
• State agencies and committees;
• Testing laboratories;
• Distributors of “ERATO” – over 60 companies in all major cities in the country and others.

Magazine “Heat Technology for Everyday Life” was distributed in Macedonia with the assistance of the Macedonian Chamber of Commerce and the Macedonian Energy Association (MEA), as well as in Turkey through the representation of ERATO in this country.
Subscription to the magazine can be made at any post office. Ask for the warming magazine magazine!