Client: GreenEcoTherm
Location: Haskovo, Bulgaria
Architect: General Life


A smart room thermostat is a device that allows you to control your heater with the mobile app, even when you’re away from home. The HT300S SMART with a connected power adapter works as a smart / smart / room thermostat. When the adapter is unplugged and used with batteries, it becomes a wireless room thermostat. In this state, you cannot control the device from the mobile application. To use the thermostat to control the application, you must connect the adapter to the power supply.


Product benefits

      • No matter where you are in the world, you can control the temperature of your home with the mobile app;
      • With the mobile application, you can create virtually daily and weekly programs;
      • Using location mode lowers the temperature when moving away from home or raises your temperature when approaching your home;

Product benefits

      • You can view the schedule for the operation of the heater, the temperature of your home and the outside temperature according to the selected time period through the mobile application and you can get a retrospective report;
      • The HT300S SMART can be installed anywhere in your home using the battery-operated option;
      • Thanks to the LCD display you have up-to-date information on your device and control your heater;
      • It maintains the comfort of your home at any desired temperature at any time. This way you can save up to 30% cost savings by avoiding unnecessary operation of the heater.